Instant RBAC deployment from the cloud

Quickly deploy your role-based access control module directly from an EC2 AMI.

Instant RBAC deployment from the cloud

Quickly deploy your role-based access control module directly from an EC2 AMI.

Demo Video

Usage Guide

Image 1
  1. SSH into the EC2 instance where the AMI was copied
  2. Inside the rbac-module directory, there will be a file ‘rbac.yaml’
  3. Open this file. This includes the orgName, database URI, backend URL, predefined pages with permissions, and roles. The permissions for some paths need to be filled in as per your requirements.
Image 2
  1. Upon purchase of RBAC module, the user will get access to their own AMI copy of the latest RBAC module. This AMI will contain the rbac-module-linux executable and rbac.yaml files, as well as example of frontend usage in zip. Once the copy is made, you will need to note the Public IPv4 DNS of your EC2, as this will be used to make calls to the RBAC module (i.e. getting the login page for the user’s frontend). Additionally, the user will need to configure any specific security/port settings that they require, and keep note of the open ports in their calls to the RBAC later in these steps.
  2. Open the rbac.yaml file. This includes the database URI, backend URL, predefined pages with permissions, and roles. The permissions for some paths need to be filled in as per your requirements.
  3. Replace the uri field with your MongoDB connection URI. This URI should be kept secure and not exposed in public repositories.The MongoDB database should contain a collection with the following in schema: username, email, password, role.
  4. Replace the url field with the URL of your backend server. This URL is used by the frontend to make API requests. This will be with the hostname from step 1 in the setup of your EC2 instance running the RBAC Module.
  5. Define the pages and associated permissions. The paths are predefined and you can change the permissions as needed. If you want to add more custom paths, you can do so by following the same structure.